The first census of Ireland in 1659 did not show any records with relevant surnames in the Carlow area.
The same applies to the Hearth Money Records of the late 1600s.
The DNA of a descendant from a Carlow family shows similarities to families from Tipperary and Kildare/Wicklow. It seems likely that some time after the 1600s, Hayde families from Tipperary moved North to Carlow and further north west.
In 1770, a Patrick Heade leased land from Christopher Walker for 31 years. At the time Catholics could not lease land for longer than 31 years.
In the Catholic Convert Rolls for Carlow in 1790, Elizabeth Walker from Ballylennon, wife of Christopher Walker, converted from Catholicism to Protestantism. From this it can be assumed that the Walker family had some sympathy for their Catholic tenant farmers and ensured that their leases were properly documented.
In 1819, Christopher Walker, late sgt of Carlow Regiment of Militia, provided a lease to John Hade of 5 acres. The land was leased for the natural lives of John and his sons William and Patrick. The lease was witnessed by Thomas Hade, who was probably his brother who served in the Carlow Militia with Christopher Walker.
Elizabeth Walker died, a widow, in the early 1800s and she gifted most of her assets to charities and moved to Dublin prior to her death.
Richard Heade, John Hade and Thomas Hade signed Oaths of Allegience to the Crown authorities at Burton Hall in 1797. John and Thomas would have been the the two sons of Patrick at Ballylennon in 1830. Richard is not in the parish records and is probably a brother of Patrick’s.
Thus the early Carlow families were probably:
- Patrick b circa 1750 at Ballylennon
- John b circa 1775 at Ballylennon
- William b circa 1800
- Patrick b circa 1800
- Michael b circa 1775 at Rutland
- Thomas b circa 1777 at Ballylennon
- John b circa 1775 at Ballylennon
- Richard b circa 1750
- John circa 1775 at Ballyvergal
- Patrick b circa 1770 at Straboe
Ballylennon, Ballyvergal and Rutland (Urglin) are within a mile of each other while Straboe is 5 miles away.
I know from DNA tests on descendants that the DNA of this family is very similar to the families that originated in Tipperary therefore the Carlow families originated in Tipperary and moved north. There are many theories as to why but none yet proven. One theory that has some substance relates to the history of granite in the area. Large extractions of granite took place in the 1700s and it is possible, given that some of the Hayde Tipperary families I have found were masons, that this work attracted the family from Tipperary.
In the 1830s, at the time of the Tithe taxes, there were 5 relevant families living in 3 locations in the Carlow area: These were:
Ballylennon and Rutland (or Urglin)
- John Hayde at Ballylennon, on 5 acres owned by Hon W F Tighe
- Thomas Hayde at Ballylennon, on 2 acres owned by William Burton
- Michael Hayde at Rutland, on 3 acres owned by John Duckett
- John Hayde, on 8 acres owned by William Burton
- Patrick Hade, on 5 acres, 1 of which was untitheable
Records from the Tighe Carlow estate between 1825 and 1859 are available at the National Library of Ireland in Dublin. I need to review these on a future visit to Dublin.
The Catholic parish records started in 1774 (Carlow and Grague), 1787 (Carlow) and 1806 (Tinryland). These are the earliest records. There is no sign of them in the area in the 1600s. The family trees outlined below have been constructed from these and other available records.
The only entries in parish records that aren’t outlined below are:
- The baptism of Richard Hayd or Hayes in 1777 to Mich and Sarah Roney (I suspect this is Hayes and not related)
- John Heade who was a witness at a marriage in Little Pollerton in 1779
- The Marriage of Margaret Heade to William O’Brien in 1778 at Dublin St. Elizabeth Heade was a witness.
These are all in the Carlow and Grague parish records. They are also the only records for this parish. They went from 1774 to 1786, when the Carlow, Cathedral of the Assumption parish records started.
In 1852, the families were:
- Ballylennon
- Patrick Hade at # 6 (4 acres owned by William Burton)
- Michael Hade at # 1 (1 acre owned by Rt Hon Tighe)
- Ballyvergal
- Patrick Hade at # 11 (8 acres owned by William Burton)
- Rutland
- Michael Hade at 2a (3 acres owned by Rt Hon Tighe)
- Pollerton Little
- Michael Hade at # 6 (1 acre owned by Rt Hon Tighe)
- Pollerton Road, in the Town of Carlow
- John Hayde at # 42 (a small house and garden)
These places can be seen on the map below:
Ballylennon, Rutland and Pollerton
The Griffiths map below shows where the Ballylennon, Ballyvergal, Rutland and Pollerton Little families were in the 1850s.
The Ballyvergal families were on the western side of the road from Carlow to Palatine while the Ballylennon families were to the east. Pollerton Little is to the south west of the Ballylennon cross roads while Rutland is to the south east.
This family tree is:
- Patrick b abt 1750. Leased land in 1770 from Christopher Walker.
- John b abt 1775. On 5 acres at Ballylennon in 1830. In 1819, Christopher Walker, late sgt of Carlow Regiment of Militia, provided a lease to John Hade of 5 acres. The land was leased for the natural lives of John and his sons William and Patrick. The lease was witnessed by Thomas Hade, who was probably his brother who served in the Carlow Militia with Christopher Walker.
- William b abt 1800. Desmond Norton of the University College of Dublin has some records of the agents that managed Burton Hall and other properties owned by the Burton family in 1840. Included was a reference to William acting as a bailiff for Burton family on the Pollerton property in 1843 at a salary of £5 per year.
- William b 1824. Mar Mary Nolan 1857. Farmed land at Ballylennon 1860s and 1870s. A groom in 1901
- George Hade b 1858, Pollerton d 1868
- John Hade b 1860, Pollerton. Joined RIC then the army. Retired to Dublin. A coachman in 1901. D 1902
- Bridget Hade b 1862, Pollerton Road
- Catherine Hade b 1864, Pollerton Road. Mar John Bracken
- Patrick Hade b 1867, Pollerton Road
- William Hade b 1869, Pollerton Road. Mar Bridget Kerwin 1905 and emigrated to America 1909. See Carlow families in America Posts page.
- Michael b abt 1825. Farmed land at Ballylennon in 1852 until brother William took it over in 1860s.
- William b 1824. Mar Mary Nolan 1857. Farmed land at Ballylennon 1860s and 1870s. A groom in 1901
- Patrick b abt 1800. Mar Elizabeth Nolan
- more+
- William b abt 1800. Desmond Norton of the University College of Dublin has some records of the agents that managed Burton Hall and other properties owned by the Burton family in 1840. Included was a reference to William acting as a bailiff for Burton family on the Pollerton property in 1843 at a salary of £5 per year.
- Michael b abt 1775. On 3 acres at Rutland owned by John Duckett in 1830 and by Rt Hon Tighe in 1852. D 1866
- Michael b abt 1795. Mar Maria Neil. At # 6 Pollerton Little on 1 acre owned by Rt Hon Tighe in 1852.
- Michael Hade b 1815
- Patrick Hade b 1817. Mar Jane Garrett 1844. Patrick signed the William Smith Petition in 1848. Emigrated to Chicago where he and Jane were in 1850.
- Mary Hade b 1855, Illinois
- Margaret Hade b 1821
- William Hayd b 1824, Rutland. Groom. Mar Anne Tay, Burton Hall, 1854 and Mary Curran. # 7 Pollerton Little from 1860 to 1898
- John Hade b 1861. Pollerton Big 1901. Coachman
- William Hade b 1870. Pollerton 1901. Coachman
- Maurice Hayd b 1827, Rutland. Mar Catherine Heybourne 1851. Emigrated to Chicago 1850s.
- Catherine Hayd b 1830, Rutland. Mar 1856
- Peter b 1818. Mar Bridget. Emigrated to America. Settled Flushing, NJ. See Carlow families in America Posts page.
- Michael b abt 1795. Mar Maria Neil. At # 6 Pollerton Little on 1 acre owned by Rt Hon Tighe in 1852.
- Thomas b 1777. Mar Catherine Nixon. On 2 acres at Ballylennon in 1830. Joined Carlow Militia in 1799. Discharged in 1800.
- Thomas Hade b 1812. D abt 1820
- Patrick Hade b 1813, Carlow
- Mary Hade b 1814. D New Jersey 1859
- Richard Hade b 1816, Carlow. Mar Ellen. D Dublin 1880. He left his estate to his brother Patrick Hade of Burton Hall
- John Hade b 1818, Carlow. Mar Elizabeth Byrnes New Jersey 1859. See family in New Jersey Posts page.
- William Hade b 1821, Carlow. Mar Catherine Hickson New Jersey. See family in New Jersey Posts page.
- Patrick Hade b abt 1824. Mar Mary Heron/Hearns 1842
- Mary Hade b 1845
- James Hade b 1828. Mar Mary in New Jersey. See family in New Jersey Posts page.
- Michael Hayd b 1831, Burton Hall. Mar Ellen. Settled New Jersey. See family in New Jersey Posts page.
- William b abt 1800. Mar Mary Redmond (this connection to Patrick is a guess and could be incorrect)
- John or James Haid b 1825. Mar Elizabeth Garrett 1841, Dublin St, Carlow
- John Joseph Heade b 1842. D 1891. Civil engineer
- Arthur Hade b 1844. Civil engineer
- Peter Hade b 1844 (as identified in Petty Sessions)
- John Hayde b 1848, Dublin St. Mar Mary Hogan 1870 in Dublin
- Mary Elizabeth Hade b 1885, Dublin
- Michael Head b 1850, Dublin St
- James Hade b 1853
- William Patrick Hade b 1858. Civil engineer. Mar Elizabeth McCullogh 1884
- Elizabeth Josephine b 1885, Carlow
- Catherine Mary b 1887, Carlow
- Anna Louise b 1890, Carlow
- Mary Hade b 1829
- William b circa 1825. Mar Bridget Dillon. in 1871, farmed 3 acres in Urglin (Rutland). Also a Civil engineer
- Catherine Hade b 1833, Burton Hall
- Mary Hade b 1837, Burton Hall
- William Hade b 1840, Ballylennon
- John or James Haid b 1825. Mar Elizabeth Garrett 1841, Dublin St, Carlow
- James b abt 1800. Mar Catherine Hickson
- James Hade b 1824, Burton Hall. Mar Mary Byrne 1854
- John b abt 1775. On 5 acres at Ballylennon in 1830. In 1819, Christopher Walker, late sgt of Carlow Regiment of Militia, provided a lease to John Hade of 5 acres. The land was leased for the natural lives of John and his sons William and Patrick. The lease was witnessed by Thomas Hade, who was probably his brother who served in the Carlow Militia with Christopher Walker.
The last two families above (William b abt 1800 and James b abt 1800) may not be correctly linked to Patrick. Their connection is unknown and I have put them here for completeness.
This family tree is:
- Richard. In Oaths of Allegience in 1797 but not in any parish records.
- John Hayde b abt 1775
- Patrick Hayde b abt 1800. Mar Cath Burrows or Byrne. Farmed 8 acres at Ballyvergal owned by William Burton in 1852 until 1870s. # 11 on the Griffiths map above.
- Ann Hayd b 1823, Ballyvergal, Burton Hall
- John Hayde b 1826, Ballyvergal, Burton Hall
- William Hayd b 1828, Ballyvergal. Farmed 4 acres at Ballyvergal 1852 to 1871. # 1 (to the west) on the map above. D Ballyvergal 1903
- Jane Hade b 1831, Ballyvergal
- George Hade b 1834, Burton Hall. Mar Mary Nolan, Rutland 1857. Owned the same 8 acres in 1871. D 1902
- Patrick Hade b 1861, Burton Hall. Emigrated to America in 1888. Mar Margaret Hanlon/Searson
- George Patrick Hade b 1901, New Jersey
- Anna Maria Hade b 1902, New Jersey
- Margaret Hade b 1906, New Jersey
- Mary Magadaline b 1909, New Jersey
- Bridget Hade b 1862, Pollerton
- Maria Hade b 1863, Burton Hall. Farmed the 8 acres after George died in 1902
- Catherine Hade b 1866, Burton Hall
- Anne Hayde b 1869, Burton Hall
- Bridget Hade b 1872, Burton Hall
- Patrick Hade b 1861, Burton Hall. Emigrated to America in 1888. Mar Margaret Hanlon/Searson
- Patrick Hade b 1837, Ballyvergal. Emigrated to America. Settled in Flushing
- Thomas Hayde b 1837, Ballyvergal. Emigrated to America. Settled in Flushing. See Carlow families in America Posts page
- John Hayde b 1810, Ballyvergal. Mar Bridget Horahan 1853 at Old Bennykenny. Pollerton Road in 1852 (#42 then #8). D 1876
- Michael Hade b 1843, Rutland. Mar Mary Kerwin 1874. Farming in Shrule in 1901
- John Hade b 1874, Laois. D 1878
- Mary Hade b 1877, Shrule
- John Hade b 1845, Rutland. Mar Mary Pringle 1874. Pollerton Road from 1875
- John Hade b 1875. D 1899
- Michael Joseph Hade b 1880. Emigrated to America 1908
- Mary Hade b 1883. Emigrated to America 1908
- Mary Hade b 1847, Pollerton. Mar Patrick Hade 1880 (son of Thomas and Mary Doyle from Straboe)
- Bridget Hade b 1849, Pollerton
- Michael Hade b 1843, Rutland. Mar Mary Kerwin 1874. Farming in Shrule in 1901
- Peter b 1822. Mar Ann Black. Settled in Flushing. (see note below)
- Richard Hade b 1849, New York
- Mary b 1852
- Patrick b 1854. Mar Mary
- James b 1822. Mar Catherine. Settled in Flushing. (see note below)
- Mary b 1846, Ireland
- John b 1848, New York
- Andrew b 1848
- Jane b 1852
- Anne b 1854
- Nicholas b 1856
- Catherine b 1858, Illinois
- Peter b 1863
- Patrick Hayde b abt 1800. Mar Cath Burrows or Byrne. Farmed 8 acres at Ballyvergal owned by William Burton in 1852 until 1870s. # 11 on the Griffiths map above.
- John Hayde b abt 1775
In the valuation records for Ballyvergal for 1840, there was reference to a Peter Hade. There is no reference to him in the parish records and he probably emigrated to America in 1847 with James. They were probably brothers of Patrick and John. They settled in Flushing, New Jersey and their descendants are outlined in the Carlow families in NY Posts page.

Standing at the lodge and looking down the drive to Burton Hall in foreground. Ballylennon is to the right and Ballyvergal behind.
In 1852, the families living in Straboe were:
- Patrick Hade (b circa 1770) at # 7a (9 acres owned by John Druckett) and his sons:
- Richard Hade at # 5c (house and garden)
- Thomas Hade at # 2 (1 acre, house and land)
- Michael Hade at # 7b (house owned by Patrick Hade)
Patrick Hayde and Margaret Curran were the first to settle here. Patrick is probably a son of Richard, given their first born was named Richard. Their family tree is:
- Patrick Hayde b abt 1770 and Margaret Curran
- Richard Hade b 1798. #5c Straboe in 1852. D 1869, Straboe
- Thomas Hade b 1813. Mar Mary Doyle, Killemaster, 1835. #2 Straboe in 1852.
- Mary Hade b 1836, Killemaster
- Margaret Hade b 1838, Straboe
- Catherine Hade b 1840, Straboe. Mar Robert Carter 1868
- Patrick Hade b 1842, Starboe, Starboe. Mar Mary Hade (from Ballyvergal)
- Mary Hade b 1870, Carlow
- Thomas Hade b 1872, Carlow. Mar Annie Kirwan (1875-1954)1895. Pollerton Road 1901. D 1955
- John Hade b 1874, Pollerton Road. Mar Margaret Flynn 1900
- Patrick Hade b 1877, Pollerton Road. Mar Mary Anne Dwyer 1911 then Nora Nee 1934
- William Hade b 1879, Pollerton Road. Mar Margaret Foley 1910
- Joseph Hade b 1882, Carlow. Tailor in 1901
- Arthur Hade b 1885, Carlow. Served in army 1904 to 1919. Mar Jane Murphy 1918. Descendants in Dublin
- Bridget Hade b 1888, Carlow
- Mary Hade b 1844, Starboe
- Daniel Hade b 1847, Straboe. Mar Julia Allen. Lived Starboe # 7 1904 to 1934
- Mary Hade b 1890. Emigrated to America 1909
- Ellen Hade b 1897, Straboe
- Elizabeth Hade b 1898, Straboe
- Thomas Hade b 1900, Straboe. Arrived America from Montreal in 1925. Mar Margaret Murphy 1926
- Anne Hade b 1850, Straboe
- Sally Hade b 1853, Straboe. Mar Owen Kelly
- James Hade b 1856, Straboe. Mar Ellen McMahon
- Eleanor/Ellen Hade b 1858, Straboe. Emigrated to America
- Bridget Hade b 1861, Straboe. Emigrated to America 1882. Mar Michael O’Toole New York 1891
- Michael Hade b abt 1813. Mar Mary Doyle. #7b Straboe then #8 to 1879. D 1879
- Patrick Hade b 1841
- Margaret Hade b 1842, Straboe
- Michael Hade b 1844, Straboe. Mar Anne Dempsey 1875. Lived in Liverpool. D 1911, Carlow
- Patrick Hade b 1846, Starboe
- John Hade b 1850, Straboe. Mar Anne Curran 1878. # 5b Straboe
- Michael Hade b 1879
- John Hade b 1881. Joined army. Emigrated to Australia. D 1915
- Mary Jane Hade b 1884. Emigrated to America in 1908
- Elizabeth Hade b 1887
- Thomas Vincent Hade b 1888. Mar Bridget Stynes 1920
- Patrick Hade b 1889. D 1891
- Patrick Hade b 1892. Mar Mary Cahill 1937
- James Hade b 1895. Mar Esther Wyer 1926
- Richard Hade b 1895. D 1895
- Anne Hade b 1896
- Margaret Hade b 1900
- Thomas Hade b 1852, Straboe. Mar Mary Gilfoyle 1881
- John Hade b 1881
- Michael Hade b 1882. Emigrated to America 1908
- Mary Hade b 1883
- James Hade b 1886. Mar Alice Dalton abt 1940. D 1964, Straboe
- Margaret Hade b 1888
- Ellen Hade b 1894
- Bridget Hade b 1897
- Elizabeth Hade b 1898
The detailed research on the area can be viewed at Carlow Families.
As mentioned in the research notes above, there is a place in Carlow called Ballyhade. It is just north of the town of Palatine which is close by Ballylennon and Ballyvergal. In a 1790 map it was shown as Ballyheath. I have asked people who have lived in Palatine if they know of the origins of the name and have also inquired at the Carlow library. I have not found any information on the derivation of this name so do not know if there is any connection between this place and our name.
The Carlow family tree can be seen at